Donate Below
Your gift will help restore relationships and break the destructive cycles of abuse, neglect and addiction in our communities. Each donation goes directly to support the life-changing programs we are dedicated to providing. We simply couldn’t reach as many people, or impact them as deeply, without the generous support of friends like you. Thank you!
Financial Giving
Chances are that you know someone who has been affected by alcohol or drug abuse. The affects of addiction are devastating – financially, emotionally and physically. Advent relies on your financial support to continue the battle against this powerful disease and to give our kids a chance at a healthy and productive life.
Donate by Phone
Donate by phone with a credit card. Just call 1-800-98-ADVENT.
Donate by Mail
Advent Group Ministries 90 Great Oaks Boulevard, Suite 108 San Jose, CA 95119
Employer Matching Programs – Doubling the Impact of your Gift!
Did you know that many employers offer to match donations made by their employees? Contact your company’s Human Resources or Community Relations department to find out if they offer this benefit.
Secured Online Donation BELOW
Make a secure online donation today. You have the option to do recurring or one-time donation.