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First Name *
Last Name *
May the therapist leave a voice or text message?
Are you using insurance?
Which days of the week do you prefer? (select all that apply)
Time of day you prefer? (select all that apply)
Preference for male or female therapist?
Preference for In-Person or Telehealth?
If you would like to be seen sooner, we can offer services from our practicum interns/trainees under the supervision of a licensed therapist. Please note interns/trainees do not accept insurance, but have a flat rate.
Are you OK to be seen by an intern/trainee?
  • We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

  • What is 2-1-1?
    2-1-1 is a referral service for people, supported by the United Way.
    Calling 2-1-1 or going to will connect you to a multitude of services, including: housing, utilities, food, transportation, individual and family support, mental health
