Advent Hires Prevention Specialist
In November 2013, Advent received a grant from the Department of Alcohol and Drug Services for a substance abuse prevention program called Too Good For Drugs (TGFD). This is a 10-week class that is being taught in junior high and high schools throughout the County of Santa Clara.
Students who are at-risk are chosen to participate, as well as any student the school leadership feels should take the course.
For example, in some junior high schools, all 8th grade students will participate. Tests will be given, at the beginning and end, to all students in the course to gauge their progress and evaluate what they have learned.
Karen Shomura, clinical program director, is pleased to announce that Stacy (Hall) Kissner has been hired as prevention specialist and will facilitate the services provided in the TGFD program.
Stacy came to Advent in July 1995, and over the years has served as resident counselor, senior counselor, boys program supervisor, and program specialist. She also served as chief operations officer from June 2010 to June 2012. In May 2013, Stacy completed the Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) program and she is also a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC).
“Stacy has 18 years of experience working with chemically dependent adolescents, as well as a master’s degree in the education field, which makes her a perfect candidate for this position,” Karen reports.
“When Karen approached me I was very excited for the opportunity to use the knowledge and skills from my work in the recovery program, as well as work in the public schools,” Stacy explains. “I have a passion for teaching and working with kids, particularly those who are at-risk,” she adds.
In August, Stacy will launch her new career and says, “I’m looking forward to being involved in this program, and my goal is to deliver prevention, guidance and hope to many kids.”